
Mix & Particles

We offer a diverse range of particles and mixes. For the safety of our fish, we ask that you only use our combinations.

Particle Mix

Approx 12kg

(Available onsite and on order)

Bucket of Maize

Approx 12kg                                                                       

(Available onsite and on order)

Image associée

Bucket of Maize and Hemp

Approx 12kg                                                                               

(Available onsite and on order)

Image associée

Bucket of Hemp

Approx 12kg

(Available onsite and on order)

Bucket of Tiger nuts and Hemp

Approx 12kg

(Available on site and on order)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour

Bucket of Tiger Nuts

Approx 1,5kg

(Available onsite and on order)

Image associée

Bucket of Blee

Approx 12kg

(Available onsite and on order)



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