
Safety Brief Acceptance Form

Each angler enters the lake for the purpose of fishing completely at their own risk.

You must take all necessary steps to safeguard your personal safety. We will not be responsible for any injury, illness, death, loss, damage expense, cost or other sum or claim of any description (terms and conditions).

Life Jackets

For your safety, please ensure that you choose the correct size of life jacket for your weight. If there is no appropriate life jacket available, then you are not, under any circumstances permitted to use the boats.

Please make sure that you are absolutely clear of these rules which are designed to ensure your safety.

Upon arrival at the lake, we will demonstrate the correct fitting of the life jackets. It's important that you clearly understand how to correctly fit the life jacket, and that you never enter a boat unless your life jacket is correctly fitted. If you have any queries, then please ask us to insure that you have absolute clarity on how to safety wear the life jackets provided.

We understand that some anglers may not wish to enjoy the boating experience so, when you arrive at the venue, please make this clear to the manager and this will be taken into account.

Boats are only to be used for baiting up, putting rods out or for landing fish on all swims, accessible by pathways. Boats are not to be used for rowing around the lake, or back to the lodge. Swimming is completely forbidden. Life jackets must be worn at all times when out in the boat. Any angler found breaking any of the above rules will be banned from using a boat for the remainder of their visit.

The not liable for any form of transportation of your goods to and from swims.

Any anglers who have been caught or seen breaking any of the above rules and has been banned from using a boat, be found using the boat again, will be immediately be requested to leave the venue.

Anglers wishing to use the boats at Cavagnac Lake do so entirely at their own risk. With the understanding that the S.A.R.L ...................... cannot be held liable in the event of any accident and no refunds will be made. It is compulsory that each angler have their own personal travel insurance.

Cars and Trailers

Please note that the .................... is not responsible for any car damage or loss. The owners park their cars at their own risk as stated on the notice boards in the parking areas.



Today's weather at Cavagnac

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